Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Political Interruption

The personal is political, I said to myself, when I thought about those girls who say they don't care much about politics at all.  I thought about how these sorts so often spend so many hours a day plucking their eyebrows and applying makeup just so, shaving off all the body hair just to don the inevitable short black dress and heels for parties, all in order to keep their seemingly politically minded men distracted away from the actually intelligent women present in the room who do not buy into that oppressive style and beauty products scheme at all but who do engage these men in lively and fascinating political discussion.  I want to know how these females could possibly fail to see how they are participating in their very own oppression, but what I thought was even odder was how such well informed and brilliant men could actually be attached to these sorts of rather surface women.

I have often noticed that when I have been engaged in a political discussion with one of these bright men that his girl might often interrupt us by making her presence seem much more important than the  conversation  that we were already engaged in.  She might act like a silly little child intent on monopolizing his attention at all times, by grabbing his arm or rolling her eyes or whispering in his ear or staring intently at him with major cleavage showing.  She might even act impatient or bored or even demand that he leave right that very moment, as there was something much more important that she wants him to attend to.  Just about anything is more important to her than the political discussion at hand, but nothing more than her man's immediate attention.  Why does she do these things?  Simplest answer is she feels threatened in an area where her sexual attractiveness means very little to what is actually going on at hand, a vibrant and enthralling conversation between two like minds obviously unlike her own.

Sometimes the man gives in to her shenanigans to keep the peace and begs off from the discussion so he can still have sex with her when they go home.  Other times he may become visibly irritated by her insistence upon acquiring his immediate attention and still yet at other times he may simply ignore her manipulation and continue talking because by now he knows exactly what she's doing.  She is curtailing his intellectual freedom, something he has become less and less willing to part with simply to ease her insecurities and keep her around to sleep with and show off to other men.  Politics are very personal when these sorts of things are happening.

As a thinking woman I do not enjoy contending with the inanities of insecure women who are ready to hijack or attack my political discussions, because their activities are based on manipulation and suppression of my intellectual freedom as a woman, as well as of their men's.  My own politics are based on mutual respect and love and freedom from all oppression, because I know that love and freedom cannot survive manipulation or suppression. The personal is political no matter what you're doing because it's the policy your body sets into motion in any human interaction.

Monday, February 4, 2013

No Last Drop

I want to know more
About you. Will you take
My hand and walk
With me beside
The stream where we
Can listen to the silence
In the song of water
From the greenest
Wellspring underground?
I know you feel me,
My love, and how there
Is no real end foreseen
Within the rhythm of
Our breathing hearts,
Our lungs, our veins,
Not in this wild rain
That always fills
This well we drink
Our songs from.
Tell me how you found
This thin place, and why
You leave here so often
When you really want
To stay and keep your
Peace, your truest
Dream, your home, your
Sloping hills and embracing
Mountains. It is here
I feel you, your love and
Even from this distance
I want to kiss each
And every single letter
Of your Gaelic name
Over and over and
Over again. There is
No last drop upon
My lips, my love, this
Well is forever being
Fed by silence
Of the hidden song within
The spring we cannot see,
Deep down, underground.